סמינר במימון חשבונאות

Speaker: Prof. Jarrad Harford's, University of Washington


12 במאי 2015, 14:00 
חדר 408 

Title: Corporate Financial Policies in Overvalued Credit Markets



We investigate the repercussions of credit market mistakes for firm's borrowing and investment decisions. When credit ratings are relatively optimistic, we find evidence that firms take advantage of inaccuracies by issuing more debt, increasing leverage, rolling over more debt and lengthening maturities. The result goes beyond a wealth transfer and has real investment implications: approximately 75% of the funds raised from debt issuance related to credit rating mistakes was used for capital expenditures and cash acquisitions. In the cross section, credit rating mistakes affect financially constrained firms the most, suggesting that debt overvaluation loosens financial constraints.

The article is available from the finance-accounting seminar website:


Prof. Jarrad Harford's website:


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