אסטרטגיה תפעולית

Sub-additive and homogenous of degree one games are totally balanced, Anily, S. and M. Haviv (2014), Operations Research, Vol. 62, pp. 788-793.  


Pricing, Replenishment, and timing of selling in a market with heterogeneous customers, Anily S., Refael Hassin (2013) ,International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 145, pp. 672-682. 


Cooperation in service systems, Anily S. and M. Haviv (2010), Operations Research, Vol. 58, pp. 660-673.  


A Time Series Framework for Supply Chain Inventory Management,  Aviv, Y. (2003), Operations Research, Vol. 51 (2) pp. 210-227.


A Partially Observed Markov Decision Process for Dynamic Pricing,   Aviv, Y., A. Pazgal  (2005),  Management Science Vol. 51 (9) pp. 1400-1416.


On the Benefits of Collaborative Forecasting Partnerships between Retailers and Manufacturers, Aviv, Y. (2007),  Management Science, Vol.  53 (5) 777-794 .


Design for the Environment:  Life Cycle Approach Using a Newsvendor Model, Raz G., Druehl c., Blass V. (2013), Production and Operations Management Journal 22(4): 940-957 


Economic and Environmental Assessment of Refurbishing Strategies for Product-Service Bundles , Ovchinnikov A., V. Blass, G. Raz (2014),  Production and Operations Management Journal, 23(5): 744-761. 


Same Supply Chain, Different Models: Integrating Perspectives from Life Cycle Assessment and Supply Chain Management , Blass V. and C. Corbett C. (2016),  accepted to the Journal of Industrial Ecology


Strategic Communication for Capacity Alignment with Pricing in a Supply Chain, Chu, L.Y., N. Shamir and H. Shin, to be published in  Management Science, 


Cartel Formation Through Strategic Information Leakage in a Distribution Channel, N. Shamir  to be published in  Marketing Science


Public Forecast Information Sharing in a Market with Competing Supply Chains, Shamir, N. and H. Shin, (2016), Management Science, 62(10), pp. 2994–3022. 



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