סמינר באסטרטגיה

Speaker: Refael Hassin, Department of Statistics and Operations Research, School of Mathematical Sciences, Tel Aviv University 

29 באוקטובר 2014, 11:15 
בניין רקנאטי,חדר 302 

: Rational queueing


"Rational queueing" refers to models of queueing systems with multiple decision makers strategically optimize (in most cases) contradicting objectives.

The research in this area characterizes the equilibrium outcomes of the resulting non-cooperative games. 

A book by Hassin and Haviv  (2003) presented the topic and surveyed the state of the art at that time. 

Since then, the area has been developing in an accelerated pace, and the talk will mention an on-going project that surveys about 600 papers that are not included in the book, almost all of them were published after 2003.  

The talk will mention central contributions in this area, with the emphasis on interesting qualitative insights that are unique to queueing systems.


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