Middle East Business Forum Event

18 ביולי 2017, 17:30 - 19:00 
Coller Building, Room 304 
 Middle East Business Forum Event


The Middle East Business Forum (MEBF) at Coller School of Management invites the faculty's students, staff and alumni to a lecture about Israeli-Palestinian economic cooperation and networking over snacks and refreshments with visiting Italian students from Associazione Diplomatici, an organization that trains Italian students in international diplomacy.


17:30-18:00 Refreshments and snacks  (Coller Building, Room 402)

18:00-19:00 Talk + Q&A by Jesse Divon on Israeli-Palestinian economic cooperation (Coller Building, Room 304)


About Middle East Business Forum: MEBF was founded in 2016 by two Coller MBA students - Jesse Divon and Jowan Qupty - to provide a forum at Tel Aviv University Business School for raising awareness, sharing ideas and facilitating networking in the field of Middle East business and commerce. Visit our website, www.mebf-tau.com, to out more about MEBF and get in touch with us.


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