סמינר במימון חשבונאות
The Life-Cycle of Dual Class Firms
Beni Lauterbach, Bar-Ilan University
joint work with Martijn Cremers (University of Notre Dame USA) and Anete Pajuste (Stockholm School of Economics in Riga)
We examine an extensive matched sample of U.S. dual and single class firms in 1980-2015 from the time of their IPO, and document that the valuation difference between dual and single class firms varies along their life cycle. On average, at the time of the IPO, dual class firms tend to have higher valuations than single-class firms, which valuation premium dissipates over time and turns into a discount about six years after the IPO. Further tests examine firm's survival and other life cycle phenomena and the desirability of a sunset provision for dual class structures.