?How to choose the right early- stage startup to join

16 בנובמבר 2021, 19:00 
הפקולטה לניהול ע"ש קולר 
מועדון היזמות Ignite by Coller

Ignite By Coller & The International Student Life Team invites you to a  lecture with Yuval Tal, Managing Partner at Team 8 on Nov 16th at 19:00 at the Coller School of Management!


Choosing the right startup to join is one of the most important career decisions you'll make: one that will affect you, your family, and your next few years of employment. After all, how can you assess the probability of success?


Yuval Tal, Managing Partner at Team8 and founder of both Payoneer and Borderfree, shares his insights as a serial entrepreneur on how to choose the best early-stage company to join, taking into consideration everything from the founders to the team, market, salary, and more.


The event will be held in English. 

Join us face-to-face!

Looking forward!

Register ahead of time To the Rgistratiom n Form >>


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