Indiegogo at Recanati - How to Run a Crowdfunding Campaign

09 ביוני 2014, 17:30 
Recanati Building, Room 405 

Crowdfunding has been used to raise more than 5 Billion in 2013.

Thousands of projects are executed every month supporting innovation, entrepreneurship and community projects. Crowdfunding can also work for you, as an initiator or backer.

Come and learn from Indiegogo executives and Recanati researchers at this special event.


17:30 – 18:00 - Networking

18:00 – 18:20 - Introduction & CrowdFunding insight, Talk by Dr. David Zvilichovsky, Recanati Business School

18:20 – 19:00 - Crowdfunding on indiegogo – lessons learned - Talk by Liz Wald , Head of International, Indiegogo & Evan Cohen Community Manager of Hardware, Design, and Technology, Indiegogo

19:00 – 19:30 - Q&A

The event is free of charge. Please RSVP with this registration form.

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