Pitching Session

03 במרץ 2019, 18:00 
דרמה בר, נחלת בניימין 52 תל אביב 
Pitching Session

The Coller Ignite Entrepreneurship Club is proud to announce its fourth meetup for this year! As the registration to Ignite NOW Bootcamp and the Coller $100,000 Startup Competition is now open, Join us on Sunday, March 3, 6 PM at the Drama bar TLV for another great evening, with great speakers and more info about the COLLER $100,000 STARTUP COMPETITION and the IGNITE NOW BOOTCAMP!



    • 18:00 - 18:30: Networking and refreshments
    • 18:30 - 19:00: Pitching a startup, by Eyal Benjamin
    • 19:30 - 20:30: From idea to exit, by Rony Ross
    • 20:00 - 20:30: Networking and goodbyes.




Drama Bar.

52 Nahalat Binyamin St., Tel Aviv

For registration:


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