Learning from Success- Meetup #3 Coller Startup Competition

הארוע יתקיים: בעברית | זום


06 במרץ 2022, 19:30 
 “Learning from Success”- Meetup #3 Coller Startup Competition

Come and hear the success stories of 3 winners/ finalists of past Coller Startup Competitions along with the side of their investors who are a major part of the startups success and path.

This is your chance to get advice and ask questions that can be relevant to your venture from both founders and investors. Also if you have some questions regarding Coller Competition this is the perfect place and time to ask.


The speakers

Alon Netser, CFO/COO, X-trodes

Gilad Shapira, co-founder and CEO, CADY

Nimrod Cohen, Managing Partner, TAU Ventures

Sharon Barak, founder and CTO, SOLUTUM

Tal Grinstein, Principal, JAL Ventures

The link to the event (via Zoom) will be sent prior to the event.


To Coller  Competition site >>


To Register >>

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