TAU Conference in Financial Intermediation during the COVID-19 Crisis
TAU Conference in Financial Intermediation
during the COVID-19 Crisis
December 8, 2020
----------- SESSION I -----------
Chair for Session I: Prof. Dan Amiram (TAU)
(Israel time 4:00PM)(ECT: 9:00 AM)
Public Firm Borrowers of the US Paycheck Protection Program
Southern Methodist University (SMU)
Samuel Rosen (presenter)
Temple University - Fox School of Business
(Israel: 4:20PM)(ECT: 9:20 AM)
Discussant: Daniel Rabetti (TAU)
(Israel: 4:35 PM)(ECT: 9:35AM)
Does FinTech Substitute for Banks?
Evidence from the Paycheck Protection Program
Ohio State University (OSU) - Department of Finance
Jack Liebersohn (presenter)
University of California, Irvine
(Israel: 4:55PM)(ECT: 9:55 AM) Discussant: Samuel Rosen (TU)
(Israel: 5:10 PM)(ECT: 10:10 AM)
Did the Paycheck Protection Program Hit the Target?
Joao Granja (presenter)
University of Chicago - Booth School of Business
Christos Makridis
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Sloan School of Management
Constantine Yannelis
University of Chicago - Booth School of Business
Eric Zwick
University of Chicago - Booth School of Business
(Israel 5:30 PM)(ECT: 10:30AM)
Discussant: Lei Li (FED)
BREAK: 30 minutes
----------- SESSION II -----------
Chair for Sessions II: Prof. Evgeny Lyandres (TAU)
(Israel: 6:15 PM)(ECT: 11:15 AM)
The Relevance of Relationship Lending in Times of Crisis
Tel Aviv University - Coller School of Management
Daniel Rabetti (presenter)
Tel Aviv University - Coller School of Management
(Israel: 6:35PM)(ECT: 11:35 AM)
Discussant: Joao Granja (UC)
(Israel: 6:50PM)(ECT: 11:50 AM)
Working Remotely and the Supply-Side Impact of COVID-19
Dimitris Papanikolaou (presenter)
Northwestern University - Kellogg School of Management
Lawrence Schmidt
MIT Sloan School of Management
(Israel: 7:10PM)(ECT: 12:10 PM)
Discussant: Jack Lierbersohn (UCI)
(Israel: 7:25PM)(ECT: 12:25 PM)
Who Supplies PPP Loans (And Does It Matter)?
Banks, Relationships and the COVID Crisis
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Philip E. Strahan (presenter)
Boston College - Department of Finance
(Israel: 7:45PM)(ECT: 12:45 PM)
Discussant: Lawrence Schmidt (MIT)
Conclusion: (Israel: 8:00PM)(ECT: 1:00PM)