סמינר בשיווק
Do We Look Like Our Names? The Match between Faces and Given Names
Yonat Zwebner, PhD candidate, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Do we look like our names? We present six studies suggesting exactly that: Just by looking at an unfamiliar face, people accurately select the person’s true name, among several names, significantly above chance level. These accurate identifications (Study 1) result from facial information and not from possible confounds (Study 2). Participants accurately identified the right name of fraternal twins (Study 3), implying successful identification goes beyond socioeconomic cues (e.g., age, ethnicity). This face-name association was independently replicated in another country, while controlling for name popularity (Study 4). Two boundary conditions were demonstrated: Accuracy performance attenuated for targets using a nickname (Study 5) and for participants from a different culture than the targets (Study 6), indicating the face-name phenomenon is culture dependent. These findings demonstrate a robust association between faces and names in the real world, implying they might influence each other.