סמינר בניהול טכנולוגיה ומערכות מידע
Joint Vendor Performance in Multi-sourcing Arrangements:
The Role of the Guardian
Ilan Oshri, Prof. Of Technology and Globalisation, Loughborough School of Business, UK.
Synopsis: Using information processing theory we examine the factors leading to a joint performance in multi sourcing setting with an interest in understanding two competing strategies (i) client’s deployment of its governance and architectural knowledge, and/or (ii) the inclusion of a guardian vendor that either complement or substitute client’s IP capacities. Our results show that the literature has so far failed to understand the role that guardian vendor plays in multi-sourcing settings.
Short bio: Ilan Oshri is professor of technology and globalisation at Loughborough School of Business. His work on IS sourcing was published/has been accepted for publication in top international journals including MISQ, EJIS, JSIS, JIT, LRP, JBR and others. Ilan’s work was also featured on Wall Street Journal, BBC, Business Week, Financial Times and other outlets. Ilan serves as Senior Editor of JIT and will start his term as AE for MISQ January 2018.