סמינר באסטרטגיה ניהולית

‘We are like family’: Family firms as emotional and family- like organizations


10 במאי 2017, 13:00 
חדר 302 

Nava Michael-Tsabari, Ph.D – Director ,Raya Strauss Center for Family Business Research, Coller School of Management

Research on emotional aspects of family-owned organizations has focused primarily on family-member-owners. Adopting a mixed-method approach to characterize the emotional aspects of organizing that are typical to family firms, I focus on the experiences of employees who are not members of the owner-families. Qualitative interviews with these nonfamily employees suggest that expression of a wide range of emotions is inherent to the work environment in family firms. I quantitatively measure the family metaphor and emotional expressions among employees of family firms and employees of nonfamily firms. Findings show that the former score higher on these measures compared with the latter. Moreover, the extent of family influence on the firm (measured as the percentage of family members in the top management team) is positively linked to employees’ scores on these dimensions. The significant influence on firm growth after six months is discussed.


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