סמינר בתכנית ניהול טכנולוגיה ומידע

Persuasive systems design, evaluation and research through the PSD model

19 בספטמבר 2017, 11:00 
חדר 302 

הסמינר יינתן ע"י  פרופ' nHarri Oinas-Kukkone מאוניברסיטת ,Oulu מהפקולטה לטכנולוגיה ומידע והנדסת חשמל בפילנד,


Deep understanding of user behavior has become a key for successful design in our contemporary IT environments [1]. Moreover, a growing number of informationtechnology systems and services are being developed to change users’ attitudes or behavior or both. Despite the fact that attitudinal theories from social psychology have been quite extensively applied to the study of user intentions and behavior, these theories have been developed, for instance, for predicting user acceptance of the information technology rather than providing systematic analysis and design methods for developing persuasive software solutions.

 This presentation will introduce a conceptual framework for designing and evaluating persuasive systems, known as the Persuasive Systems Design (PSD) model [2]. The PSD describes the process of designing and evaluating persuasive systems and describes what kind of software functionality may be found in the final product.

 It also highlights underlying assumptions behind any persuasive system and ways to analyze contexts for persuasion.

 The PSD model helps select and design the persuasive features, and categorizes them into primary task, computer-human dialogue, system credibility, and social influence. Research results from a variety of PSD related projects will also be presented. The PSD model can be applied for developing both full-fledged behavior change support systems [3, 4] and somewhat lighter persuasive applications [cf. 5, 6]. Areas such as fostering health, promoting sustainable/green behaviors, and also e-selling [7] can benefit from these approaches greatly.

The topics addressed in this presented are expected to play a central role for advancing future IT design related business and economy [8, 9, 1].




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