סמינר מחלקתי בכלכלת נדל״ן ומדעי האיזור
Rocket Science: Iron Dome and the Israeli Housing Market
יעל אלסטר, האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים
This study provides a housing market perspective on the e¤ective-
ness of counter-terrorism. Relying on detailed micro data from Israel,
we show that the deployment of the Iron Dome anti-rocket system: (1)
eliminated the negative e¤ect of rocket attacks launched from the Gaza
Strip on house prices in southern Israel; (2) brought about a decrease
in the premium associated with in-house shelters in the south; (3) led
to house price appreciation in northern Israeli localities threatened by
re from Lebanon. Overall, the results strongly indicate that
the Iron Dome system is perceived by the Israeli public as e¤ective in
countering the rocket threat.