סמינר בכלכלת עסקים ואסטרטגיה
Monopoly, Oligopoly, Duopoly and Multi Product Quality
Amit Gayer, Western Galilee College ,Department of Economics.
This work investigates markets with vertical product differentiation, where qualities are represented by an interval.
Each firm has a convex production cost and can offer a multi-product strategy of quality-price pairs, and firms' profits are determined by the consumers' selection choice.
We show that under standard conditions on consumers' preferences:
1. In the case of a monopoly with a finite number of consumers - there will be market failure.
2. In the case of a monopoly with a continuum of consumers - when the market is fully served there will be no market failure.
3. In the case of an oligopoly with a finite number of consumers - in equilibrium, an endogenous monopoly will arise.
4. In the case of an oligopoly with a continuum of consumers - in equilibrium, an endogenous duopoly will arise.
5. In the case of a duopoly with a continuum of consumers - in equilibrium, each firm will offer an endogenous single pair.