סמינר באסטרטגיה ניהולית
Trifurcation of the labor markets in the Networked, Knowledge–driven, Global Economy
Prof. Meir Russ, Austin E. Cofrin School of Business, University of Wisconsin--Green Bay
This interdisciplinary, conceptual seminar will get underway with an introduction to the new, knowledge-driven, networked global economy. The main intent of the seminar is to present a conjecture that, at present, we have (or are about to have) three autonomous markets for labor that are driven by different market mechanisms and dynamics. The three markets are: routine labor, skilled labor, and talent. The trifurcation of the labor markets is mostly the result of phase transition resulting from technological and market structure thrusts. Next, the seminar will present a research framework for the three labor markets and specific aspects of the framework will be discussed while focusing on new research opportunities. Thereafter, a complementary definition of capital, including human and social capital that are based on information, energy and entropy, will be briefly introduced. Lastly, the need for a new legal and social paradigm regarding labor and the need for a new formal model for value creation will be presented.