The Art of a Smart Pitch - Practical Advice for Entrepreneurs

25 במרץ 2018, 19:00 
Room 405 Recanati Building  
The Art of a Smart Pitch - Practical Advice for Entrepreneurs

Interested in applying for the Coller $100,000 Startup Competition? Have an idea for the next greatest startup but need some practical assistance?

Join us for a session on pitching and get legal advice about starting your own venture!


19:00: Refreshments

19:30: The Art of Smart Pitch - How to effectively pitch your venture - Dr. Eyal Benjamin, serial entrepreneur and scholar

20:15: The Legal Aspects of Moving from an Idea to a Real Startup - Attorney Sharon Gazit, Head of the Corporate and Technology Department at Goldfarb Seligman & Co.


Two important aspects of being an entrepreneur are how you pitch yourself and your product, and your knowledge of the legalities of starting a venture. Come join us for an evening filled with practical advice for entrepreneurs. Dr. Eyal Benjamin will share his insights on how to pitch to investors and attorney Sharon Gazit will educate on legal matters connected to the founding of a startup, such as: legally establishing founders' relationships, effective ways of protecting a startup's confidential information and intellectual property rights, and how to prepare a startup for its first round of fundraising.


Dr. Eyal Benjamin (PhD) is a serial entrepreneur and professor of strategic innovation. He is the Academic Director of the Innovation Executive Program at Lahav Executive Education and the Head of the Entrepreneurship Division at the Academic College of Tel-Aviv Jaffa. Eyal holds a B.Sc. in engineering from Tel Aviv University and a master's degree in Entrepreneurship and Innovation and a PhD from Swinburne University of Technology, Australia.


Attorney Sharon Gazit is the Head of the Corporate and Technology Department at Goldfarb Seligman & Co and is a member of the firm’s executive committee. Sharon serves as legal counsel to various startups in the hi-tech and biotech industries, advising them on day-to-day issues, as well as fundraising transactions, and M&A's.


For Registration


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