Talk on Israeli-Palestinian tech collaboration and networking with visiting Italian students

24 ביולי 2018, 15:30 - 18:00 
Coller Building, Room 403 
Talk on Israeli-Palestinian tech collaboration and networking with visiting Italian students


The Middle East Business Forum (MEBF) at Coller School of Management invites the faculty's students, staff and alumni to a lecture about Israeli-Palestinian tech collaboration and networking over snacks and refreshments with visiting Italian students from Associazione Diplomatici, an organization that trains Italian students in international diplomacy.


15:30-16:30 “Israeli-Palestinian economic cooperation and the Palestinian Internship Program" with Jesse Divon, Recanati MBA student

16:30-17:00 - Refreshments & networking - A GREAT CHANCE TO MEET VISITING ITALIAN STUDENTS!


About Middle East Business Forum: MEBF was founded in 2016 by two Coller MBA students - Jesse Divon and Jowan Qupty - to provide a forum at Tel Aviv University Business School for raising awareness, sharing ideas and facilitating networking in the field of Middle East business and commerce. Visit our website,, to learn more about MEBF and get in touch with us.


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