Coller $1,000,000 Startup Competition

04 בפברואר 2019, 18:00 
חדר 401 בניין רקנאטי 
 Coller $1,000,000 Startup Competition

The Coller $100,000 Startup Competition is Back! Information session and formal launch at 4-Feb-2019, 18:00

Join us on Monday, February 4, for a special evening:


  • Launch and info session regarding the upcoming Coller $100,000 Startup Competition.

By Dr. Eyal Benjamin, Coller Institute of Venture.


  • Entrepreneurship is not only for engineers!

Gil Devora will share his story about entrepreneurship and his journey as an investor and a serial entrepreneur. Gil is a co-founder of The Floor and also acting as chairman in a few blockchain companies.


  • 18:00 - 18:30: Networking and refreshments Room 401, Recanati building.
  • 18:30 - 19:00: Info session.
  • 19:00 - 20:00: Gil’s keynote.
  • 20:00 - 20:30: Networking and goodbyes.


**The event will be held in English



The event will be held in hall 405, Coller School of Management, Recanati building, Tel Aviv University


  For more information about the competition, please go to our new website

For registration press the invitation or go to




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