הרצאתו של מר צ'ארלס הוסקינסון, מנכ"ל IOHK ומייסד שותף של Ethereun

20 ביוני 2019, 16:00 
אולם ליאון, בניין רקנאטי 
מר צ'ארלס הוסקינסון

The Hogeg Blockchain Research Institute at the Coller School of Management invites you to a one of a kind guest lecture by Mr. Charles Hoskinson


16:00 -16:05   Welcome notes by representative of The Hogeg Blockchain Research Institute at the Coller School of Management, Tel-Aviv University 

16:05 - 16:10  Welcome notes by Mr. Hogeg Moshe

16:10 -17:30    Mr. Charles Hoskinson's Presentation

17:30 – 17:35  Closing remarks


Charles Hoskinson is a Colorado based entrepreneur, mathematician and humanitarian who aims to solve global problems with emerging technologies. One of his priorities is to provide access to financial tools for billions of people around the world using blockchain tech.

Rated as one of the crypto communities richest members with a crypto net worth said to be as high as $500-$600 million. Charles has definitely had his successes within the sphere.

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