סמינר בהתנהגות ארגונית

הסמינר ינתן ע"י ד"ר ליעד ברקת מחברת "אינטל"

17 בדצמבר 2013, 14:00 - 21:00 
חדר 403 
סמינר בהתנהגות ארגונית

It’s (Not) All About the Money: Using different types of spot-bonuses to increase productivity in the field


By conducting a large scale natural field experiment in a manufacturing factory at Intel Israel, we examined how different types of spot bonuses can affect employees’ productivity and work attendance. Spot-Bonuses are relatively small, short-termed rewards, provided to employees on a performance basis. In addition to merit raises and other pay increases, more and more companies are turning to spot bonuses to reward key contributions to the business’ goal. Should companies adopt spot-bonuses as part of their compensation strategy? Are spot-bonuses impactful overtime? These questions and more will be addressed.

Liad Bareket-Bojmel is an organizational consultant at Intel Israel and a post-doc researcher at BGU. This research was conducted at Intel in collaboration with Dan Ariely and Guy Hochman, Duke University.

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