סמינר במערכות מידע
Designing simple interactions for complex domains:
a case for theory development?
הסמינר יינתן ע"י פרופ' טורקיל קלמנסן, מבי"ס למנהל עסקים קופנהגן
Many researchers attempt to develop their own theory. In IS HCI, researchers have tried to develop an understanding of HCI that emphasizes applications in business, managerial, organizational, and cultural contexts. I will present my own case study of designing simple interactions for a complex domain. Drawing on this and other cases presented in recent years under the heading of ‘Human Work Interaction Design’, I will discuss possibilities and problems in conceptualizing insights from case studies in this area. An important issue here is to move from artefact-focused development models, to holistic views of HCI designs in the workplace.
About the speaker:
Torkil Clemmensen is a professor at the Department of IT Management, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark. His interest is in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), in particular psychology as a science of design. Has published at INTERACT, CHI and various HCI journals. Senior editor at the AIS THCI journal and IT&P. Represents Denmark in IFIP TC13 HCI.