סמינר בהתנהגות ארגונית

Statistical Analysis of Innovation Activity Based on Patents data of 79 Countries during 1966-2011

04 באפריל 2017, 10:45 
חדר 305 

פרופ' איה כהן   הטכניון- מכון טכנולוגי לישראל


In this seminar, I shall describe the statistical methodology and the results of a large research project with Dr. Daniel Benoliel from Haifa University. The purpose of this research was to gain understanding of both how and why domestic innovation activity is promoted by patenting activity in developing countries, (with emphasis on emerging economies), in comparison to advanced economies.

The data (issued by UNESCO) that were used for the statistical analysis included panel data of several variables such as: several GERD (Gross Domestic Expenditure on R&D) indicators; and  "propensity to patent", (defined as the number of patents divided by GERD).  The yearly data of 1996-2011 were available for 79 countries.

The main emphasis in the talk will be on the statistical methods that include: Imputation, Clustering and Mixed models. They will be briefly reviewed as well as why and how they were useful.


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