סמינר בהתנהגות ארגונית

Research on Emotion in Organizations: A Multilevel Perspective

05 בינואר 2016, 11:15 
חדר 403  


 Prof. Neal  Ashkanasy

The University of Queensland, Australia

Recent years have seen an upsurge of interest in the study of emotions in organizations. Research, however, has been hampered by perceptions that emotions are ephemeral, and a lack of an integrated multi-level model. In this presentation, Prof. Ashkanasy will describe how he has tackled this problem. In particular, he will set out the theoretical basis of a five-level model of emotions in organizations. This model was published in 2003 in the series Research in Multilevel Issues (Vol. 2, ed. by Dansereau & Yammarino, publ. by Elsevier Science), and forms the basis of recent research grants awarded by the Australian Research Council. At the lowest level of the model is within-person variation, defined in terms of affective events theory. Levels of the model then proceed through individual, dyadic relationship, group, and organization-wide perspectives. In this presentation, Prof. Ashkanasy will describe the model, including recent findings in neuroscience that underlie the experience, perception, and communication of emotion. He will also present the results of studies recent at different levels of the model and conclude with a discussion of implications of the model for research and practice.

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