“Collusion between vertical chains under asymmetric information.” Journal of Industrial Economics, (forthcoming)
“For the public benefit: data policy in platform markets.” (joint with Sarit Markovich) Journal of Economics and Management Strategy (forthcoming)
“Regulating platform competition in markets with network externalities: Will predatory pricing restrictions increase social welfare?” (joint with Ohad Atad) Journal of Industrial Economics, (forthcoming)
“Vertical collusion to exclude product Improvement.” (joint with David Gilo). Journal of Industrial Economics, (forthcoming)
“Sales information transparency and trust in repeated vertical relationships.” (joint with Noam Shamir) Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 2023, Vol. 25, pp. 1660-1676.
“Group Hug: platform competition with user-groups.” (joint with Sarit Markovich) American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 2022, Vol 14, pp. 1 – 39.
“Dynamic competition with network externalities: why history matters.” (joint with Hanna Halaburda and Bruno Jullien). The RAND Journal of Economics, 2020, Vol. 51, pp. 3-31.
“Vertical collusion” (joint with David Gilo). The RAND Journal of Economics, 2020, Vol 51, 133-157.
“Focality advantage in platform competition.” (joint with Hanna Halaburda), Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 2019, Vol. 28, pp. 49-59.
“The role of coordination bias in platform competition.” (joint with Hanna Halaburda), Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 2016, Vol. 25, pp.274 – 312.
“Motivating a supplier to test product quality.” Journal of Industrial Economics, 2014, Vol. 62, pp. 309 – 345.
“Platform competition under asymmetric information.” (joint with Hanna Halaburda), American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 2013, Vol. 5, pp. 22–68.
“Oligopoly limit-pricing in the lab.” (joint with Wieland Müller and Yossi Spiegel), Games and Economic Behavior, 2009, Vol. 66, pp. 373–393.
“Signaling quality in an oligopoly when some consumers are informed.” Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 2008, Vo. 17, pp. 937 – 972.
“Retailer’s choice of product variety and exclusive dealing under asymmetric information.” The RAND Journal of Economics, 2008, Vol. 39, pp. 115 – 143.
“Price and non-price restraints when retailers are vertically differentiated.” (joint with Yossi Spiegel), International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2003, Vol. 21, pp. 923- 947.