יותם ליאל

סגל אקדמי זוטר בהפקולטה לניהול ע"ש קולר
הפקולטה לניהול ע"ש קולר סגל אקדמי זוטר
יותם ליאל

מידע כללי

I am a PhD candidate in the Information Systems and Technology Management Department and a doctoral fellow at the Center for Artificial Intelligence & Data Science (TAD) at Tel Aviv University.

I specialize in human-computer interaction, with a particular interest in how AI influences human decision-making and societal norms.

I received a BA in Philosophy and Economics and an MSc in Information Systems Management from Tel Aviv University, both Magna Cum Laude.

My dissertation, supervised by Dr. Lior Zalmanson, studies conformity to AI advice. Inspired by Solomon Asch's conformity experiments, my work examines the phenomenon of 'algorithmic conformity,' exploring how and why individuals align with AI advice, even when it's flawed.

Research Topics

My research interests include the ethical and moral implications of human-computer interaction, behavioral studies, and experimental design.


Liel, Y., & Zalmanson, L. (2023). Turning Off Your Better Judgment–Conformity to Algorithmic Recommendations. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2023, No. 1, p. 16319). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.


Liel, Y., & Zalmanson, L. (2020). What If an AI Told You That 2 + 2 Is 5? Conformity to Algorithmic Recommendations. In ICIS (International Conference on Information Systems, 2020).


Business Applications of Large-Scale Digital Experimentation

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